O Jerusalem. Hildegard von Bingen
A dedication ceremony of symphoniae
Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (BMG) 05472 77353 2
Symphoniae to Saint Rupert
Hildegard von Bingen, Dendermonde St. Peters & Paulusabdij, ms. Codex 9 & Hessische Landesbibliothek, HS. 2 (aka Rupertsberger "Riesenkodex"):
1. Sequence to St. Rupert: O Ierusalem
2. Antiphon to St. Rupert: Quia felix pueritia - Magnificat - Quia felix pueritia
3. Antiphon to St. Rupert: O felix apparitio
4. O beatissime Ruperte
Consecratio Virginum: the mystical marriage
Realization Elizabeth Gaver
5. Instrumental piece
Hildegard von Bingen
6. Sequence to St. Rupert: O Ierusalem
7. Antiphon and Versicle to Maria: O tu illustrata
8. Antiphon to Maria: Cum erubuerint
The Sacred Wedding
9. O frondens virga - Gloria patri
Hymn: Ave generosa
10. Antiphon to Maria: O quam preciosa
Hildegard's relationship to men of the spirit
11. Hymn to Holy Spirit: O ignee spiritus
12. Instrumental piece
13. Antiphon to Maria: O quam, magnam miraculam est
Intérpretes: Sequentia; Vox feminae: Barbara Thornton (voice), Gundula Anders (voice), Pamela Dellal (voice), Elizabeth Glen (voice), Heather Knuthson (voice), Nancy Mayer (voice), Lucia Pahn (voice), Consuelo Sañudo (voice), Carol Schlaikjer (voice), Janet Youngdahl (voice)
Barbara Thornton, dir.
Sons of Thunder: Benjamin Bagby (voice), Stephen Grant (voice), Peter Halpern (voice), Eric Mentzel (voice), Peter Schmitz (voice), Bernhard Schneider (voice)
Benjamin Bagby, dir.
Ensemble für Musik des Mittelalters:: Instrumental ensemble: Elizabeth Gaver (Medieval fiddles), Benjamin Bagby (Medieval harp, portative organ, organistrum), Na'ama Lion (Medieval flute). Elizabeth Gaver, dir.
Barbara Thornton & Benjamin Bagby, dirs.
Duración: 67' 30"
Lugar y fecha de grabación: St. Pantaleon, Köln, Alemania [octubre/1995]
Kunigundenglocke und Heinrichsglocke des Bamberger Dom [octubre/1996]
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